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Hummer Repair in Mountain View, CA | Silicon Valley Performance Truck & Auto RepairHummer by H3 2006 2007, used underCC BY 2.0

HUMMER Repair in Mountain View, CA

Each Hummer is as unique as its owner. A vehicle this individualized needs specialized care and maintenance.

Off-roading can cause a lot of wear and tear on a vehicle—even if that’s what a vehicle like the Hummer is designed for. Excellent service and routine maintenance will keep your Hummer reliable through all terrain. At Silicon Valley Performance Truck & Auto Repair, we offer individualized high-quality service to keep your Hummer in optimum condition. Whether you drive an H1, H2, or H3, we are qualified to meet all of your automobile’s needs. From major repairs to routine services, Silicon Valley Performance Truck & Auto Repair's expert technicians stand ready to offer nothing less than the best in customer and car care.

Unlike other shops, we don’t just focus on the vehicle. From the moment you enter our door until you drive away completely satisfied, we strive to offer an excellent customer service experience.

Silicon Valley's certified technicians are always happy to answer any of your questions, and we work hard to get you back on the road (or off-roading) as quickly as possible!

Call Silicon Valley Performance Truck & Auto Repair today or stop in at 2570 Leghorn St. , Mountain View, CA, 94043 so that we can schedule an appointment for the service and repair of your Hummer.

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