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Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Do not Be the next Victim.

Looking to protect your Catalytic convertor? Seeing all the horror stories about thieves stealing them right from owners’ front yards or even a busy parking lot.

It only takes a few minutes for thieves to steal your catalytic converter. It costs over $3,000 and a few days if catalytic converter replacements are available at the time of the theft. This couple minutes now leads to a week’s time and heavy financial burden. Don’t be the next victim caught without a safeguard.

We currently install catalytic shields made of sturdy aluminum durable enough to protect your valuable catalytic converter. For vehicle models that do not have kits available we can weld on a stainless steel rod in a cage form to deter theft.

Catalytic Converter Theft Protection in Mountain View, CA - Silicon Valley Performance Truck & Auto Repair
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